Survey and mapping


With our drone systems you are able to quickly survey large areas with a very high precision. When you analyze the data from the flight, you can generate DSM:s and orthophotos that are accurate down to a couple of centimetres. Work such as documentation, inventory, surface exploration, can be done quickly and safely, and in almost any weather. Because the work can be done efficiently, the costs are cut. It is also possible to survey unreachable areas and deliver aerial maps that otherwise would be almost impossible to produce. 

Other applications

Power line inspection

Power line inspection

Drones are an effective way to inspect power lines. The benefits are many, it is environmentally friendly and without disturbing humans or wildlife. The use of drones simplifies preventive maintenance measures that reduce the probability of unplanned interruptions.



Work such as documentation, inventory, surface exploration, volume calculation of stockpiles and determination of removed volume can be done quickly and safely, and in almost any weather. By monitoring mines and quarries, operational planning is streamlined.

Forest detection

Forest detection

Our system is regularly used for mapping forests, finding wind-thrown trees and monitoring damage from insects etc. Today, it is common practice for companies in the forestry business all over the planet to navigate through thick forests looking for piles of timber or trying to survey the area.



The SmartPlane drone will efficiently cover large areas. That makes it an excellent tool for quickly getting an overview of crops and plantations, and for generating terrain development plans. The specialised cameras will allow you to make high precision analysis of your crops, detect pests or stress

Humanitarian aid

Humanitarian aid

Drones help and do good. They are used worldwide by companies, organizations, researchers and citizens in various uses. Here are some examples of areas where UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) does something really good for humankind and for the planet. The sky is definitely not the limit.